Campaigning for conservation
Conservation International (CI) uses cutting-edge science, partnerships, and policy to protect our natural world. By discovering ingenious methods for creating mutual benefit through their campaigns, CI makes progress tangible.
In 2016, they launched the People + Nature campaign to help spark a global shift in conservation by influencing policy, advancing sustainable production, and pioneering more innovative solutions.
Our goal was to propel their vision forward by simplifying their mission overall to better express their path forward to their board members.

We began with the bare bones: protect what’s essential, inspire sustainable action, and innovate for our future. Then we sorted through the facts, communicating the problem in a way that was both digestible and urgent.

The Path Forward
The last part of the process was to explain where the funds would go, how the goals would be accomplished, and what eventual success would look like. In the end, CI had the marketing tools they needed to communicate their campaign successfully—and we had the peace that comes with doing good work with good people.